ISIC – International Student Identity Card
The only identity that proves the official student status and is recognized throughout the world.
What is the ISIC card?
The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is the only identity that proves the official student status for high school, college and university students and is recognized throughout the world. The ISIC Association is the non-profit organization behind the International Student Identity Card (ISIC), it is issued since 1953 and is under the auspices of UNESCO.
What can the ISIC card do ?
The ISIC card provides over 150.000 benefits in Greece, Europe and throughout the world, with discounts in museum tickets, events, theaters and cinemas, bars, restaurants, clothing and sport stores, hotels, camping places, buses, trains, ships, planes etc.
Who can get an ISIC card ?
The ISIC card is available for all full-time students / scholars in Greece and abroad, in public or private institutions of secondary and higher education. The minimum age limit is 12 years old and there is not maximum age limit. Specifically, eligible are:
- Full-time students / scholars in Greece or abroad, in public or private institutions which study during the years of the school or the department and /or two (2) additional years (n+2) as per schools requirements.
- The period of time that the students have interrupted or restarted their studies for specific reasons (military service etc.), is excluded. A certificate from the school / college / university is required.
- Full –time students / scholars are those whose academic program consists of 15 hours per week, for 6 continuous months.
- EAP & OUC students within the projected duration:
- Undergraduate & doctoral programmes: min duration of studies + 2yr
- postgraduate programmes: min duration of studies + 1yr
How long is the ISIC valid for and what is its cost?
The ISIC card is valid for 16 months (from 09/2023 – 12/2024, regardless of the application date*).
The annual subscription is 15€ digital ISIC / 18€ digital & plastic ISIC.
What are the required documents?
A certificate or a student id from your school / university stating you are enrolled on a full-time course for the current academic year.