FlixBusup to -15%

Discover the world with FlixBus!
Get-on one of the green buses and travel all over Europe. Choose your route from the extensive FlixBus network. With over 400,000 daily connections to more than 2,500 destinations in 35 European countries, you can truly explore Europe!

Verify your ISIC/ITIC/IYTC card and receive up to 15% discount via e-mail. The coupon code is valid only for routes booked through the FlixBus application, on any available routes.

Coupons can only be redeemed through the FlixBus app and all FlixBus networks for the period up to 30.06.2023.
*Blackout period: 06-11.04.2023.
**Each cardholder can redeem only two voucher codes per user per semester. This applies for both offers (10% and 15%).

There are no restrictions on bookable lines and connections in FlixBus. The coupon cannot be combined with other coupon codes. It is not possible to credit a coupon later on a booking already made. It is not possible to pay the coupon amount in cash. Resale and publication of coupons is prohibited.